On Saturday Natasha Maslen and Renz Vallerja competed at the Junior GB Trials (British Closed). Renz came showed massive improvement from his performance the previous weekend to get the bronze medal which is a huge achievement considering he only went to the competition for experience!
Natasha Maslen also came back from last weekend’s competition by fighting her way to the silver medal position. Tora Judo Kai picked up two of the four medals won by competitors from the Western area.
In the Senior competition on Sunday Natasha fought against three girls who are currently in the 2012 Olympic squad, showing her potential as she gave them all a tough fight. Although she lost all her fights it was a successful day as she proved she can hold her own against women in the Olympic squad, despite a tiring day's competition the day before. Overall it was a very good weekend's showing from Tora Judo Kai.