Saturday, 10 May 2014

Bushido Budo Kai Spring Camp 2014

The BBK Spring Camp was held at Woolacombe Bay Holiday Camp in Devon from 3rd to the 5th May.

The course enabled participants to receive instruction from some of the best traditional Japanese martial arts coaches in the country.

Judo, Ju-Jitsu, Aikido, Karate, Weapons and a Goshin Jutsu Kata course were all on the agenda.

It was a lively and well attended course with all participants throwing their heart and soul into the training on offer.

Lauren Sole from Yawara Kwai was awarded the prize as the Junior who most represented the spirit of the course. Richard Blackwell from White Horse Budo was awarded the senior recognition.

Ian Llewellin was awarded his 4th Dan Judo at the end of the course and James Doubleday received a certificate for being awarded his 1st Dan in Ju-Jitsu earlier in the year.

The course would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the instructors, students and families who attended and supported this fantastic course.

Special recognition must however go to Anne Barnes who was on hand throughout to cover First Aid, Welfare and Admin. Judith Ogden must also be applauded for giving the course its flair and image designing the advertising, supporting booklet and web based information.

Please keep your eye out for notification of further courses and camps throughout 2014 and we look forward to advertising next year’s course in the coming weeks.